animation, graphic design


The project raises awareness about climate change's impact on Hesse, focusing on extreme weather events like heat waves, storms, and heavy rainfall. It educates the public on structural adaptation measures, particularly roof solutions, through an engaging, easily understandable animated film.
The main challenge was simplifying complex adaptation measures into a format easily understood by a wide audience, from homeowners to policymakers. Climate change is a technical topic, and conveying specific solutions like roofing adaptations for heat waves, storms, and heavy rain required thoughtful visual design and storytelling. Additionally, ensuring the film's relevance to Hesse residents' daily lives added another layer of complexity.
The solution was an animated film that illustrated the impact of extreme weather on homes and showcased practical structural adaptation measures. Using 2D animation, we simplified complex topics, breaking down the science and solutions into clear visual steps. The film demonstrated roof adaptations for heat, rain, and storms in an intuitive and engaging way, making important information both accessible and actionable.
publish date
apr 28, 2021
project type
animation movie
graphic design, character design, animation AE

Der Animationsfilm „Die Familie Bäcker: Wie sie ihr Haus klimaresistent macht“

The animated film Familie Bäcker macht ihr Haus klimarobust explains in an entertaining way some of the many adaptation measures for buildings in response to climate change. The film, commissioned by Bildungsfilm, HLNUG, effectively balances educational content with accessibility, ensuring that it both informs and engages the target audience.

graphic design service Germany
Motion Design und Animation in Berlin
animation movie maker
motion design studio, graphic design Berlin

Der Klimawandel ist längst da — see how 2D animation can effectively highlight the current state of climate change, making it easier for people to understand and act


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