infographics, iconography

shaping the future of energy

To explore and understand public perceptions and expectations regarding the future of the electricity grid, particularly in the context of the energy transition.
To effectively communicate the evolving needs of the electricity grid to the public and gain insights into their preferences for a sustainable and smart energy tempor
Conduct a comprehensive national survey of public opinion on the future of the electricity grid, focusing on:
Public awareness and support for renewable energy sources (solar, wind).
Perceived challenges and necessary upgrades to the existing grid infrastructure.
Public expectations regarding future grid technologies, including energy storage, distributed generation, and digitalization.
publish date
jul 20, 2024
project type
research results in infographics

Shaping the future of energy: public perceptions on the smart grid

This project delves into public understanding and expectations regarding the evolution of the electricity grid. Through a comprehensive national survey, E.ON sought to gauge public sentiment on the increasing role of renewable energy sources, the necessary upgrades to the existing grid infrastructure, and the anticipated role of emerging technologies such as energy storage and digitalization in shaping the smart grid of the future. The findings provide valuable insights into public awareness and support for the energy transition, guiding E.ON's efforts in developing innovative solutions for a sustainable and reliable energy future.
Textures – Textúrák Background patterns, gradients, or textures that add depth or dimension to the design.
Iconography – Ikonográfia
Photographs, illustrations, or other visual elements that provide context or enhance the message.
The survey revealed strong public support for increased renewable energy generation, particularly solar and wind power. Respondents were highly aware of the need for significant upgrades to the existing electricity grid to accommodate the growing share of renewables and the evolving patterns of energy consumption. Public expectations for the future grid included enhanced energy storage capabilities, including home-based solutions, increased integration of small-scale renewable generation, and a significant role for digitalization in grid management and operation.

project overview

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