I founded the Walk and Change program, which is all about harnessing the power of walking – but it’s not just regular walking!
about me
I have been working in the creative industry for over 20 years. My expertise spans graphic design, brand building, online and offline marketing, and event visualization, with over a decade of experience in animation as well.
I launched the studio in 2010, and ever since, an unstoppable drive for growth and innovation has fueled my journey. I do develop creative concepts, designs, and campaigns both independently and as part of a team.
I'm location-flexible, splitting my time between Las Palmas, Berlin, and Budapest.
2013 - 13th @rc billboard exhibition 1st place
2013 - Energy-saving outdoor ad 3rd place
2010 - Budapest as a brand logo design competitions 1st place


/ triumphs in design
I believe in lifelong learning and continuously develop my skills to stay up to date with the latest trends and industry expectations.

Language Learning: a gateway to mastering cultural competence and skills

I have a Photography qualification: seeing behind the surface level

Psychological studies help problem solving, understanding the generation gap and human habits

Always ahead of the trends, focusing on new and fresh ideas

I’m skilled in both analog and digital design, from traditional printing techniques to the latest digital innovations, including AI tools and emerging social media.

AI-driven design tools and automation techniques expertise

AI-powered animation tools and automation

Data-driven visual storytelling

Comprehensive brand creation for both small and large businesses

Cross-disciplinary collaboration with designers and developers

Exploring the world is not just a hobby for me – it’s a source of inspiration and learning.

St. James Camino: Regenerative walk, connecting with spirituality

Niagara: Conscious traveler, volunteering at iconic falls

Volcanic voyager: trekking through nature and culture

NYC: Insider Explorer, exploring design scene at Première Vision

Morocco immersive traveler: living like the locals for two weeks

My work and life are deeply connected to creativity, innovation, and social responsibility – I truly believe that the power of visual storytelling can shape the world.

Became a Foster Parent (Age 25), talent management

Charity Marathon (Children's Emergency Service)

Led Design for TEDx Kreuzberg (Berlin)

Community Mask-Maker (COVID-19)

Graphic Designer for Children's Organizations

I believe in the power of stories to change the world
Hayao Miyazaki
Japanese animator and filmmaker
We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.
Albert Einstein
theoretical physicist
The real voyage of discovery is not to seek new landscapes, but to look with new eyes.
Alexander Brody
Hungarian-American businessman, author, and marketing executive
© 2025 Teodesign Studio.
Teodesign is committed to creating a truly inclusive environment. We celebrate the richness of diverse perspectives and believe everyone deserves a place at the table. Regardless of your background – race, gender, religion, or anything else – you'll find a welcoming and open-minded community here. We deeply respect all communities and strive to serve their needs through our work.

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